
OSP Memo on Possible Federal Government Shutdown

Possibility for shutdown is looming...please read.

MEMO FROM THE OFFICE OF SPONSORED PROGRAMS (OSP) Re: Possible Federal Government Shutdown (September 2023) There is currently a real possibility that a U.S. Federal Government shutdown...

Posted: September 26, 2023, 11:47 AM

Workshop: Creating an NIH or NSF Biosketch with SciENcv

NIH Sponsored Event: 10/19 @ 1 or 2:30pm; Register by 10/4

***reposted from OSP*** SciENcv is an NCBI tool for creating biosketches and financial support documents necessary for NIH or NSF grant proposals. This workshop is tailored to principal...

Posted: September 20, 2023, 1:48 PM

Workshop: Creating an NIH or NSF Biosketch with SciENcv

NIH Sponsored Event: 10/19 @ 1 or 2:30pm; Register by 10/4

SciENcv is an NCBI tool for creating biosketches and financial support documents necessary for NIH or NSF grant proposals. This workshop is tailored to principal investigators and staff involved...

Posted: September 19, 2023, 11:36 AM

RTSS Ep 45:

COVID-19 in the Courts with Dr. Susan Sterett

On today's episode, Dr. Ian Anson speaks with Dr. Susan Sterett, Professor in the School of Public Policy at UMBC, about her recent book (link below). Litigating the Pandemic: Disaster Cascades...

Posted: September 18, 2023, 3:12 PM

FY24 TCF - Intent to submit due Friday, Sept. 22


UMBC Technology Catalyst Fund - Request for Proposals Announcement Date - September 1, 2023 Deadlines: OTD must be notified of your intent to submit a proposal by Friday, September 22,...

Posted: September 18, 2023, 1:30 PM