
CS3's Retrieving the Social Sciences - Ep 27 live NOW!

The Social Science of Literacy w/ Dr. Amy Tondreau

On today's special episode of Retrieving the Social Sciences, we hear about the subject of Critical Literary from Dr. Amy Tondreau, Assistant Professor of Elementary Education at UMBC.  On...

Posted: September 19, 2022, 3:54 PM

NIH technical assistance funding webinars

October 4th & 11th @2pm

Community Partnerships to Advance Science for Society (ComPASS) Program: Community-Led, Health Equity Structural Intervention Initiative (OT2) NIH staff will hold technical assistance...

Posted: September 16, 2022, 9:33 AM

Center and Institute Departmentally-Engaged Research (CIDER)

***reposted from UMBC Faculty Grant Opportunities***

Dear Colleagues, To deepen the relationships between UMBC's centers/institutes and UMBC's departments, applications are invited for a new opportunity: the Center and Institute...

Posted: September 13, 2022, 9:41 AM