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New Opportunity for PIs and Research Administrators

Welcome to a New Opportunity--ORCID!  The acronym ORCID stands for Open Researcher & Contributor IDentification.  ORCID is an international, non-profit organization -- sustained by fees from member organizations -- that provides digital identifiers (termed an ORCID ID) for researchers. 


An ORCID ID will notably provide and account for a record of a researchers’ professional activities.  ORCID IDs are free for individuals, and participating organizations (like UMBC) around the globe can collect and use the ORCID IDs of their affiliated researchers in research administration workflows. ORCID aims to increase and expand possible connections amongst a multitude of researchers, with the hope of developing and contributing--among other numerous merits and benefits-- to potentially greater interdisciplinary cooperation and collaboration in research.


ORCID will provide a unique and personally distinct digital identifier (and ORCID ID) that you own and control (you will keep this ID even if you opt to leave UMBC). You will then be able to connect that ID with your own professional information (i.e., publications, professional affiliations, past/current/pending grants, peer review, etc.).  The ID can be used to share your information with other systems, which can be particularly useful when completing required administrative information on grant proposals for a variety of extramural sponsors.




In March 2021, UMBC became a member of ORCID!  The Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) highly encourages all Principal Investigators (PIs) and Research Administrators to learn about and actively engage in ORCID at UMBC as it should provide for a greater and more accurate reflection of a researcher’s career portfolio that can be actively utilized to complete mandatory grant proposal forms and documentation.


Having this essential information in one central location should alleviate some of the administrative burdens (and potential errors) in data collection for each proposal and report, thus increasing the efficiency and timeliness in submitting some of the information for proposal review and submission.  Participation in ORCID by UMBC personnel will also help to develop and firmly expand research knowledge and outreach throughout the UMBC campus as well as fostering further relationships and connectivity throughout the University System of Maryland as well.




·       Instructions for Setting Up your ORCID ID Record/Profile at UMBC: https://library.umbc.edu/orcid.php


·       For more UMBC information regarding ORCID, including sample ORCID profiles, please click on the followinghttps://lib.guides.umbc.edu/c.php?g=1047837


·       What Is ORCID? (VIDEO)



·       For a more general introduction to ORCID, please refer to the following link: https://orcid.org/



Posted: June 16, 2021, 12:18 PM