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ORCID Integration with Digital Measures

Library announces ORCID Integration with DM is now complete!

ORCID (Open Researcher & Contributor IDentification) has now successfully  been integrated with Digital Measures (DM).  UMBC faculty can now begin to import publications from ORCID into Digital Measures.

ORCID is a non-profit organization dedicated to connecting research and researchers. ORCID provides persistent digital identifiers that researchers own and control for sharing information with other systems, ensuring proper attribution and recognition for scholarly output, and saving time and hassle.

This new integration with Digital Measures (DM) was made possible as part of UMBC’s ORCID membership which took effect on March 1, 2021. UMBC faculty members updating the Intellectual Contributions section of their DM profiles can now select ORCID from the list of third party services offering imported citations. 

Instructions are available on the Library’s website: https://lib.guides.umbc.edu/c.php?g=1047837&p=7604167#s-lg-box-26854360 

Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact Michelle Flinchbaugh, Digital Scholarship Services Librarian, at flinchba@umbc.edu

Please note that UMBC does not require the creation of an ORCID account nor connection with DM for those who already have ORCID accounts and prefer to keep them separate. For those interested in learning more about ORCID before getting started, the library website and ORCID’s own website contain a wealth of information on features, privacy, security, and researcher control over data

Posted: July 19, 2021, 3:59 PM