ECON/PUBL Fall 2021 Virtual Seminar Series
Mark your calendars now!
The Department of Economics and the School of Public Policy are once again hosting their Seminar Series this fall. Mark your calendars now for the dates below. Check CS3's Upcoming Events page and event calendar for Webex links and seminar details as they become available. Recordings will be available on CS3's YouTube channel following the lectures.
Tuesday, September 21st @12:00pm
Sarah Komisarow, Duke University
School-Based Healthcare and Absenteeism: Evidence from Telemedicine.
Thursday, October 28th @ 10:00am
Emmanuel Nshakira-Rukundo, University of Bonn
Effect of Health Insurance Premium Changes on Labour Supply: Evidence from Rwanda.
Wednesday, November, 17th @2pm
Felipe Goncalves, University of California Los Angeles
Do Police Make Too Many Arrests?
Tuesday, December 7th @2pm
Katherine Dickinson, University of Colorado Boulder
Environmental Justice and Oil & Gas Development in Colorado
Posted: September 3, 2021, 8:04 AM