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NSF Spring Virtual Conference

NSF Spring Virtual Conference

Join the National Science Foundation (NSF) for the Spring 2022 NSF Virtual Grants Conference! This virtual conference will be broadcast live on Zoom during the week of June 6 – 10, 2022. 
Registration is open! To register for this free event, visit our conference website.

Please feel free to check nsfpolicyoutreach.com for the most up-to-date conference information and to view the conference agenda. You can view session recordings of the Fall 2021 Virtual Grants Conference on our website or on our YouTube page.

For those who cannot attend the live conference, all recorded conference sessions will be available on-demand shortly after the event and posted on our website and our YouTube page.

If you have any logistical questions about this virtual conference, please contact us at: grants_conference@nsf.gov 

Contact your OSP manager or specialist if you have any other questions regarding this event

Posted: May 11, 2022, 12:23 PM