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NCURA Region II – Call for Session Proposals

The 2022 Region II Program Committee is pleased to invite submissions for session proposals for concurrent sessions and discussion groups for the in-person Region II Fall Meeting in Wilmington, DE, on November 6-9, 2022.
If you have a topic for a session and/or would like to submit a proposal, please visit the call for proposals page to submit the idea/proposal to the Program Committee for consideration. If you have more than one topic or session proposal, please submit a new form for each. 
The Program Committee is also inviting submissions for session presenters who would like to be paired with others for concurrent sessions and discussion groups for the Region II Fall Meeting. Please visit the call for presenters page to complete the needed information.  
Please submit your ideas/proposals/presenters by July 8, 2022.

Posted: June 15, 2022, 9:42 AM