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New NIH "FORMS-H" Grant Application Forms effective 01/25/23

·         --  New NIH "FORMS-H" Grant Application Forms and Instructions Coming for      Due Dates on or after January 25, 2023

·         --  Notice Number: NOT-OD-22-195

·         --  https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/notice-files/NOT-OD-22-195.html



This notice informs the applicant and recipient communities of changes to grant application forms and application guide instructions for due dates on or after January 25, 2023.

The following application forms include substantive form changes (i.e., new/deleted/modified fields). All other forms include only an OMB expiration date change.

·         ---  PHS 398 Research Plan Form

·         ---  PHS 398 Career Development Award Supplemental Form

·         ---  PHS 398 Research Training Program Plan

·         --- PHS Fellowship Supplemental Form

·         Key Changes:

For NIH, as part of the implementation of the 2023 NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy, a new “Other Plan(s)” attachment field has been added to the PHS 398 Research Plan Form and the PHS 398 Career Development Award Supplemental Form. Applicants must attach the required Data Management and Sharing Plan in this new field in FORMS-H applications. See NOT-OD-21-013 and NOT-OD-22-189 for more information. Note: Although the 2023 NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy is not applicable to fellowship and institutional training grant applications, the new attachment field was added for potential future use with other plans.

Applications submitted using the incorrect application package for their due date will be withdrawn and removed from funding consideration.

Please refer to the full notice for additional details.

Should you have any questions, please contact OSP.

Posted: September 23, 2022, 12:33 PM