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NSF FastLane Proposal Decommissioning

Effective November 21st, Award Documents, Organizational Reports, and Grants.gov integration in FastLane were retired and will be decommissioned. Here's what you need to know:

  • The FastLane Award Documents functionality as well as all historical award documents moved to Research.gov and are accessible via a new Award Documents link on the Research.gov My Desktop page under Awards & Reporting.
  • The Continuing Grant Increments Report that was available under FastLane Organizational Reports moved to Research.gov and can be accessed using the new Continuing Grant Increments Reports link on the Research.gov My Desktop page under Awards & Reporting.
  • Information in the two other FastLane organizational reports was already available outside of FastLane.
  • Active Awards Report information can be found in NSF.gov Award Search.
  • Organization Permission Report information is in Research.gov Account Management.  
  • Grants.gov applications are now processed in Research.gov instead of in FastLane. Corrections or additions to Grants.gov applications submitted to NSF on or after November 21st will also be made in Research.gov. 

Upcoming Transition Deadlines
NSF is preparing to transition the preparation and submission of all new proposals from FastLane to Research.gov on January 30, 2023, when the Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG) (NSF 23-1) becomes effective. Please see the table of important FastLane transition deadlines below as well as the new FastLane Decommissioning webpage for a comprehensive list. Decommissioning deadlines for FastLane proposal review functions and panel review functions are being determined and will be added to the FastLane Decommissioning webpage when the information is finalized.

Important FastLane Proposal Preparation and Supplemental Funding Request Transition Deadlines
Access to FastLane Proposals and Supplemental Funding Requests
FastLane proposals and supplemental funding requests will be available for the research community to access until Friday, September 29, 2023. This includes proposals submitted to NSF via Grants.gov on or before November 18, 2022. FastLane submitted and in-progress proposals and supplemental funding requests will not be transferred to Research.gov; however, the reviews and summaries for proposals submitted in FastLane will remain available in Research.gov. Refer to the Instructions to Access and Download/Print FastLane Proposals and Supplemental Funding Requests for additional information.
Questions? If you have IT system-related questions, please contact the NSF Help Desk at 1-800-381-1532 (7:00 AM - 9:00 PM ET; Monday - Friday except federal holidays) or via email to rgov@nsf.gov. Policy-related questions should be directed to policy@nsf.gov.

Posted: November 28, 2022, 1:26 PM