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Webinar: Current and Pending/Other Support Updates (NSF/NIH)

Please see below for a description of this upcoming webinar hosted by NCURA to address updates to NIH and NSF's updated requirements. This webinar is free of charge. Please follow this link to register. Note, you do not have to be an NCURA member to attend. If you have any questions, contact Rebecca O'Brien at obrienr@umbc.edu

Current and Pending/Other Support: Updates to NIH and NSF Requirements and Institutional Approaches 

April 25, 2023
2:00 - 3:30 pm EDT * Webinar
3:35 - 4:30 pm EDT * After the Show * Talk with the Faculty Directly!

Over the last several years, federal agencies have worked to clarify disclosure requirements, partly due to directives in federal law and policy.  Charged by the National Science and Technology Council's Research Security Subcommittee, NIH and NSF have been leading a multi-agency effort to create common disclosure forms, which include Current and Pending/Other Support.  This webinar will cover the context in which NIH and NSF have made updates to their Current and Pending/Other Support formats, as well as go through specific changes made to each agency's forms.  Jean and Michelle will share the current state of the multi-agency efforts and talk about the future of their agencies' formats.  The webinar will also describe institutional approaches to updated agency requirements.

Format of webinar: 90-minute presentation, followed by 55 minutes of discussion.

Posted: April 17, 2023, 3:54 PM