NIH Updated Policy Guidance for Subaward/Consortium Written Agreements
Notice Number: NOT-OD-23-133
This notice updates the NIH Grants Policy Statement (NIHGPS), Section 15.2, which outlines the requirements for consortium/subaward agreements on NIH-funded grants. These updates will be incorporated into the GPS in the FY24 publication. This updated guidance is effective October 1, 2023. A Federal Register Notice announcing the updates will be posted in the coming weeks.
2 CFR 200.332(a)(5) states that subaward agreements must include, “a requirement that the subrecipient permit the pass-through entity and auditors to have access to the subrecipient's records and financial statements as necessary for the pass-through entity to meet the requirements of this part.” In response to HHS Office of Inspector General and Government Accountability Office audits, NIH has determined that to assure that this requirement is met, NIH finds it necessary to impose a requirement that foreign subrecipients turn over all records to the primary recipient at an agreed upon frequency (e.g., once a quarter, once a month). Therefore, section 15.2 is updated as follows (changes are bold and italicized)
The following highlights several areas within the consortium relationship that the recipient needs to address with consortium organizations receiving subawards under a grant to ensure compliance with NIH requirements. The requirement for a written agreement addressing these and other areas is specified in this section. NIH will not support any agreement that does not meet the minimum requirements outlined in the written agreement section below (15.2.1). NIH reserves the right to request copies of the written agreement and relevant supporting documentation as needed, as part of its oversight responsibilities. Failure to provide requested documentation may lead to remedies for noncompliance and potential enforcement actions (see 8.5, Specific award conditions and remedies for noncompliance).
NIH encourages recipients to ask potential subrecipients, at the application stage, to submit language in their letters of support indicating their awareness of these requirements and the subrecipient’s willingness to abide by all requirements should an award be issued.
Note that most of these requirements only apply to a recipient’s consortium relationships with sub-recipients. When the relationship is with a vendor that is providing routine goods and services within nor-mal business operations that are ancillary to the operation of the research program, the public policy requirements listed below do not apply. The vendor must also be providing similar goods and services to many different purchasers and provide them in a competitive environment.
Please refer to the full Notice for further details as this is only an excerpt of the new requirement.
Should you have any questions, please contact OSP.
Posted: August 14, 2023, 11:06 AM