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OSP Memo on Possible Federal Government Shutdown

Possibility for shutdown is looming...please read.


Re: Possible Federal Government Shutdown (September 2023)

There is currently a real possibility that a U.S. Federal Government shutdown may occur by the start of the federal fiscal year (October 1st).  There is still hope that a positive resolution to the situation can be agreed upon by our Congressional leaders in the coming days (or weeks) ahead. Nevertheless, we wanted to provide an "FYI" to the campus to notify them that a shutdown is being considered and is plausible and could have some impacts on grants and contracts that the institution has with the Federal Government.

Every shutdown is different and this one could also be unique. However, if past is precedent, then we may have at least a basic idea of what to expect during what we hope will be a brief shutdown. A few examples below reveal what we might see if there is a shutdown:

  • In the past Grants.gov continued to take proposal submissions, even though some of the e Federal agency systems that receive proposals from Grants.gov were not operational. However, to ensure that proposals were counted as "submitted on time", they still needed to be submitted to Grants.gov by the published deadline. 
  • NSF Fastlane (now NSF Research.gov) did shutdown during the last shutdown in 2018 which lasted 35 days. Fastlane allowed for late proposal submissions due to the shutdown, but provided very little turnaround time--and thus very little "leniency"--once the shutdown ended and systems resumed normal operation.  Therefore, the Office of Sponsored Programs is recommending that we continue with "business as usual" submitting proposals by their due dates to ensure maximum opportunity for eventual award.

  • A shutdown will result in the delayed receipt of new awards, increments, modifications, and extensions from the affected Federal agencies.

By referencing a summary of experiences of past government shutdowns, the Council on Government Relations (COGR) has compiled a list of items institutions should consider in preparation for a shutdown. This list is not official guidance, nor is it completely exhaustive; however, it does offer some good examples and insights into how to prepare your institution in the event that a shutdown does occur.

Historically, the impacts from a shutdown are typically agency-specific {and in some instances, they might even be award-specific).  Below is a link to agency-specific information that is available at this time (as of Tuesday September 26, 2023}:

                                 White House Contingency Plans

OSP, OCGA, and ORCA will continue to monitor the news and situations that are constantly developing in regards to the possible shutdown.  We will provide updates and guidance throughout the legislative process as they become available. At this time, the Office of Sponsored Programs is recommending we continue with business as usual.

Our goal is to help inform UMBC's research and Creative Achievement community with what the next necessary steps and procedures might be.  And we sincerely hope that the required federal funding bills are soon passed or that a Continuing Resolution (CR) is obtained to at least stabilize the current funding volatility.

Best Regards,

Michael T. Walsh

Director, OSP

Posted: September 26, 2023, 11:47 AM