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Attention Students: You Can Volunteer on UMBC's IRB, too!

Protecting the Rights of Human Participants in Research

The Institutional Review Board (IRB), the UMBC committee responsible for approving and monitoring research involving human subjects, seeks applications from graduate and undergraduate students wishing to volunteer as full members of the board. 

Student members serve for a one (1) year appointment, complete training in the ethics of human subjects research, review research protocols, and attend approximately five meetings. Meetings are scheduled from 10am-12pm on the first Monday of October, December, February, April and June; IRB members vote on issues with the aim to protect the rights and welfare of the research subjects.

Serving on UMBC's IRB is an opportunity to learn about ethical issues of ongoing/proposed research and can be included on a curriculum vitae or resume. Please contact Dr. Susan Sonnenschein, IRB Chair, (sonnensc@umbc.edu) and copy the IRB Office (IRB@umbc.edu) no later than September 23, 2024 if you wish to apply. Please include a
copy of your curriculum vitae or resume and a few sentences describing your research interests and experience. We especially encourage student applicants who have had research experience with human participants.

The Office of Research Protections and Compliance (ORPC) offers training and guidance throughout the protocol review process. Please contact the ORPC at IRB@umbc.edu or click on the IRB's web page for additional information.

Posted: August 12, 2024, 4:32 PM