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Renew your training with CITI

If you have taken any of the human subjects use or animal care on-line training modules from the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) at least five (5) years ago, you may have received a message similar to the below (details changed slightly remove any identifiers):
Your name,
This is an automatically generated email reminder from the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative website. (Please do not reply to this email.)
Your current CITI Program training will expire xx/xx/12. Now, your organization has additional course requirements for you to complete. To re-enter the website (www.citiprogram.org), you will need your username (your user name) and password (click here to receive your account password by email).

1. Name on Completion Report: Your Name
2. Affiliated Institution: University of Maryland, Baltimore County
3. Grade Book and Group Curriculum: Human Research - will expire
4. Expiration date: xx/xx/12
5. Completion Report Number: 1234567

For more information regarding this email reminder, click here to access our knowledge base site.

CITI Program
University of Miami – Miller School of Medicine
If you have, and you are continuing to participate as a researcher in an approved IRB (human subjects) or IACUC (animal use) protocol, you are required by the to take a refresher module to renew your training certification. By taking the appropriate refresher training again, not only will you updating your knowledge base, you will also be maintaining compliance with federal and state regulations. It is important to remain abreast of the latest techniques and considerations that are involved in the conduct of ethical research.

So, please login into CITI at your next available opportunity using the information in that email.  Please feel free to contact the Office for Research Compliance and Protections at 5-2737 or compliance@umbc.edu  with any questions.

Posted: October 12, 2012, 4:06 PM