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Adding or changing training modules on CITI

So, you've taken the CITI training - thank you! But, your mentor/supervisor has suggested that you take additional training to supplement the work you'll perform the lab or continue with, say, your dissertation research. To change the CITI course registration that will fit your training requirements, you will have to switch "learner groups". All it takes is going through a couple of steps.

1) Log back into CITI (using your username and password). The site that appears will be your "Learner's" page or Main Menu - the one that shows the courses you're enrolled in.

2) Look for the link that says "Add a course or update your learner groups for University of Maryland, Baltimore County".

3) You are now on the course enrollment page. Scroll down the page that lists the CITI Course Enrollment Questions. Move down page and select the radio button next to "Research with pre-existing data, records data or laboratory specimen" OR "Researchers conducting less than minimal risk research" OR "Social/Behavioral Research Course", then continue scrolling to the bottom of the page and click the Continue button.

4) You'll then be back at your "Learner's Menu" page. You’ll see a link that shows the selected module under My Courses that says "Passed" with a date or will show a link that says "Not Started - Enter". Click on that link and you'll see a list of additional training modules to take. Continue with reviewing the training materials and taking the quizzes. Once completed, you'll have a new certificate showing the completed modules.

Posted: February 19, 2013, 4:32 PM