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Occupational Safety and Health Training and Assessment

In conjunction with the UMBC Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee and Environmental Safety and Health, the ORPC is pleased to provide updated information about the occupational health and safety program (OHSP) designed to provide information and procedures to protect the health and safety of individuals working with or near research animals.  The program follows guidance and requirements for promoting occupational safety in accordance with university policy as well as federal regulatory requirements.

The UMBC OHSP's primary purpose is to educate and promote safe practices and personnel safety as well as preventing occupational injury and illness. Personnel working with or near research animals face several occupational health risks, including the possibility of allergic reactions, animal-related injuries such as bites, zoonoses (diseases that spread from animals to humans), and exposure to hazardous materials. 

Two steps are involved to ensure the all persons working with animals are in compliance with this program:

1) Taking the required training  that describes the basics of animal safety and working in a laboratory setting as well as specific safety issues and precautions. This training is separate from the CITI animal care and use modules personnel complete prior to working on an approval animal protocol.
2) Completing a required risk assessment form to evaluate if personnel are “at risk” by working in the lab animal environment and recommendations and services for further health assessment.
Additional requirements and information about the OSHP, training and risk assessment is available at http://umbc.edu/research/ORPC/IACUC_oshp_overview.html.

Posted: August 20, 2013, 2:43 PM