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NIH Regional Conference

The Volunteer Registration is now open for the NIH Regional Conference to be held at the Renaissance Baltimore Harborplace Hotel on May 15-17 2019 as local “Ambassadors." This NIH program provides valuable information to our research-active faculty and administrative staff to learn firsthand about current NIH-related research administration matters. 

 Workshop topics are broken down for Administrators, New Investigators and something for everyone.  There are session on Writing Grants, International Collaborations, Advanced Administration – Post Award, and Current NIH Issues.  There is also an opportunity for faculty to meet their Program Directors face to face!

In past years a contingent of UMBC personnel attend the meeting as volunteer ambassadors. This is an excellent opportunity for our research faculty, administrators, and students to attend the seminar at no charge on the day they volunteer. If someone volunteers for a day and would like to attend a 2nd day as an attendee, the OVPR will pay for the $100 charge for second day!  That is a day of Free training from arguably one of the best federal granting agencies. UMBC will be billed centrally for all of the registration for Ambassadors so don't worry about payment.  Once you have registered please email me to let me know. I would like to have a list by early next week.


Stan Jackson


Information for registration is below:

Online Registration 

Students, faculty, or staff who are interested in participating as a volunteer will be able to sign-up here on a first come, first served basis. When prompted for an access code, please enter 2019Volunteer to begin registration. Once you get to the point that it is asking for payment just exit the registration.  They will then send on bill to OVPR.  Make sure you email me that you are registered because I must send a list of our volunteers so they can mark them as paid.  Please also have volunteers select “No” when asked if they will be an exhibitor. During the registration process, potential volunteers will be: 

·         Reminded that volunteers are expected to participate in a full day of events 

·         Informed about the mandatory orientation session the morning of their participation (only need to attend one orientation if volunteering multiple days) 

·         Asked to choose their preferred roles and seminar sessions from the following choices: 

o    Room Monitor: volunteers will select this role by the title of the session; duties may include counting attendees, keeping the session on time, and assisting speakers and/or attendees  

o    Data Entry: volunteers will help collect and tabulate survey responses 

o    Floater: volunteers will pitch in as needed; duties may include helping with registration, assisting attendees, setting up or breaking down conference rooms, or other activities 

o    All volunteers will be asked to support morning registration after the volunteer orientation  

While the registration page reflects the current conference agenda, it is important to note that the timing, titles, and/or content of individual sessions are subject to change. We will send an email to the confirmed volunteers outlining the orientation session, roles and responsibilities, and additional seminar information a few weeks before the event.  


Posted: March 29, 2019, 1:58 PM