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Subrecipient vs. Vendor vs. Consultant Determination

Dear Research Community,


Wrong determination between Subrecipient, Vendor, or Consultant can lead to an unbudgeted cost that may reduce available research funds. More importantly, a wrong determination is a potential audit finding that can have a negative impact on UMBC's Single Audit. To strengthen UMBC's Subrecipient Monitoring process, effective 05/01/2019 OSP will require, for each proposal that includes subawards, to attach filled-out and signed Subrecipient vs. Vendor vs. Consultant Determination Checklist. The form is available on the OSP website: https://research.umbc.edu/forms-for-grants-contracts/ . Please do not hesitate to contact the subaward team or your OSP manager if you have any questions or need additional information.


Thank you,

Subaward Team

Posted: April 15, 2019, 3:31 PM