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Payroll Cost Transfer (retro) Justfications

Important reminders for those who submit retros!

The Justification section of the retro request form is very important in explaining the need for the payroll correction and must follow all compliance rules affecting sponsored funds. An explanation merely stating that the transfer was made “to correct an error” or “to transfer to correct project” is not sufficient.

Retros must contain the following information in the Justification section:

  • A detailed description of why the cost transfer is needed and how the error occurred. Why does this retro need to be processed?
  • A correlation of the charge to the project to which the transfer is being made. Why should this project pay for this expense; how does this charge relate to the scope of the project?
  • If over 90 days, also include an explanation as to why the error was not discovered and corrected within the required 90 day timeframe. What is being done to help prevent this from happening again?
  • If the retro request affects more than one sponsored chartstring, include an acknowledgement that ALL PIs or Department Administrators have approved the payroll cost transfer.


You can access the full updated Cost Transfer Procedures either through the What's New section of our Homepage or go directly to the Management --> Cost Transfer section.


For those who like shortcuts, simply click the links below!

Cost Transfer Procedures on Sponsored Projects

Payroll Cost Transfer (Retro) Checklist

Posted: July 23, 2019, 3:09 PM