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KUALI Protocols Go Live Update

We are pleased to announce the go live kickoff of KUALI Protocols for UMBC, our cloud-based electronic research administration tool. After several positive and successful tests, UMBC’s KUALI for IACUC Protocol submissions has an official start date of September 6th 2019.

What does this mean for you?

  • KUALI will be your one-stop shop for both Proposals and Protocols.
  • Our website has also changed. Online (paper) forms will now be a thing of the past and we will only accept IACUC protocol submissions via a link to access your KUALI Protocol.
  • Have a current IACUC protocol in progress? Please upload your current protocol into KUALI before annual reviews or protocol amendments are approved.  The staff in ORPC are ready to assist you.

How can I get KUALI Protocol Training?

The KUALI website will provide you with links to training documents in case you have any questions. If you need additional training our office will be happy to meet with you one-on-one to discuss your questions.  Or feel free to send us an email to compliance@umbc.edu.

Posted: August 30, 2019, 2:39 PM