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Reminder: Hrabowski Innovation Award Proposals

Fall Deadline October 25, 2019

Reminder: Hrabowski Innovation Award Proposals Fall Deadline October 25, 2019

Dear Colleagues (please share widely),

Do you have an innovative, evidence-based idea for exploring or assessing student learning? Your idea may be appropriate for a Hrabowski Innovation Award proposal. There are four possible categories of the two-year award:

Seed Awards have a budget totaling less than $3,500 for the twenty-four month period for an innovative small project.

Adaptation Awards have a budget totaling $10,000 or less for the twenty-four month period. These awards support the adaptation and implementation of existing successful innovations into other courses, programs, or disciplines.

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) Awards have a budget totaling $10,000 or less for the twenty-four month period. These awards support the collection and analysis of data on the effect of interventions on student learning and success with the purpose of public dissemination and review.

Implementation and Research Awards have a budget of $3,500 or greater, up to the total maximum amount of $25,000 for the twenty-four month period for the support of truly innovative, larger projects.

For more information and to access the application materials visit our webpage: https://fdc.umbc.edu/academic-innovation-competition/apply-for-an-academic-innovation-grant/

The deadline for fall submissions is October 25, 2019.

We strongly encourage you to discuss your idea or draft with FDC staff Kerrie Kephart or me prior to preparing your submission. We can help you make sure that your project is appropriate to this award and can guide you in designing a more compelling proposal.

We're looking forward to hearing about your ideas!


Linda C. Hodges, Ph.D.
Associate Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs
Director, Faculty Development Center
University of Maryland, Baltimore County
1000 Hilltop Circle
Baltimore, MD 21250
Tel: 410-455-1829

Posted: October 15, 2019, 8:44 AM