Information item: NIH NIA Summer Scholars Program
2020 Butler-Williams Scholars Program for Faculty
Applications are due February 14, 2020, for an NIH workshop from the National Institute on Aging for faculty to learn about work in doing work in aging and the life course across many disciplines.
Butler-Williams Scholars Program 2020
The Butler-Williams Scholars Program provides unique opportunities for junior faculty and researchers who are new to the field of aging to gain insight about research on aging from a number of perspectives.
Location: Bethesda, MD
Date: July 6-10, 2020
Application Deadline: February 14, 2020
Eligibility: Qualified applicants must hold a doctoral degree (Ph.D., M.D., etc.). Only applicants working in the field of aging or actively considering this research field will be considered.
To Apply: Please complete and submit the application form, then send the required supporting documents by email.
The 2020 Butler-Williams Scholars Program (formerly the Summer Institute on Aging Research) includes lectures, seminars, and small group discussions in research design relative to aging, including issues relevant to aging of ethnic and racial minorities. Lectures will cover topics in research on aging, including: the biology of aging; genetics and Alzheimer's disease; and health, behavior, and aging. Discussion sessions will focus on methodological approaches and interventions. The program also will include consultation on the development of research interests and advice on preparing and submitting research grant applications to NIA.
Who Should Apply?
Applications will be accepted from emerging researchers, including those who may have had limited involvement in research on aging. The applicant must be a U.S. citizen or lawfully admitted for permanent residence. As an offering of the NIA Office of Special Populations, researchers with an interest in health disparities research are encouraged to apply. Applicants from diverse backgrounds, including individuals from underrepresented racial and ethnic groups, individuals with disabilities and women are always encouraged to apply for NIH support. Participants will be selected based on:
- Previous experience and training
- Affiliation with a research university or laboratory
- Letters of recommendation (send with application)
- A brief statement of objectives for attending the Butler-Williams Scholars Program
- Specific aims page
How to Apply
Applications are due February 14, 2020. Applicants will be notified regarding acceptance within 60 days. The application will include the following attachments:
- Statement of 150 words or less describing your objectives in attending the B-W Scholars Program.
- Letters of recommendation from two people who are familiar with your professional interests and scholastic achievements. It is the applicant's responsibility to ensure letters of recommendation are received.
- One-page specific aims. Please include a full specific aims page as would be seen in an application for award. Be sure to discuss expected outcome and impact of your research.
- NIH Biographical Sketch (General).
Posted: October 18, 2019, 1:19 PM