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Update to IRB Special Topics - Participant Compensation

The IRB recently revised its webpage guidance for investigators to use when proposing compensation for research participants for their time or travel or be offered in-kind compensation for their participation in human subject use research. This compensation is outlined in a human subjects use application submitted to the IRB for review.

The guidance update includes:

  • a clarified definition of what is considered compensation for participants; 
  • how to describe investigator methods to avoid undue influence or prevent coercion; and 
  • what vulnerable populations require safeguards and protections when office a payment for participating in a research study.

This link contains the full list of IRB Special topics; click on this page for specifics related to participant compensation.

For more information or if you have any questions, please contact the ORPC at compliance@umbc.edu. 

Posted: December 10, 2019, 1:58 PM