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NIH Policies, Notices and Updates:

NIH Policies, Notices and Updates:

Updated Guidance for Videos Submitted as NIH Application Materials

Notice Number: NOT-OD-20-061 and referenced in the NIH Grants Policy Statement Section 2.3.7


This is a revision to Policy Notice:

Interim Guidance for Videos Submitted as NIH Application Materials

Notice Number: NOT-OD-12-141




What Has Changed:

  • Effective immediately, post-submission videos do not need to be embedded in .pdf files.
  • Acceptable formats for videos are .mp4, .mov, .avi, and .wmv.

What Will Not Change:

  • Videos may only be submitted as post-submission materials and not embedded in or linked from the application materials unless expressly instructed to do so in the funding opportunity announcement instructions.
  • If multiple videos are submitted for the same application, the aggregate length must not exceed 2 minutes for single-project applications and 5 minutes for multi-component applications.
  • The file size limit remains at 25 MB


Please click on link for full notice. 



Notice of Fiscal Policies in Effect for FY 2020

Notice Number: NOT-OD-20-068



In accordance with The Further Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2020, NIH received a 5.9 percent increase over FY 2019 Enacted, for a total of $41.64 billion in program level funding including $492,000,000 authorized under the 21st Century Cures Act and specific increases for Alzheimer’s disease, All of Us, the BRAIN Initiative, and the Childhood Cancer Data Initiative. The mandatory funding for Type 1 Diabetes provided in PL 116-94 through May 22, 2020, is $96.58 million.

The following NIH fiscal policies are instituted in FY 2020:

FY 2020 Funding Levels: Non-competing continuation awards made in FY 2020 will generally be issued at the commitment level indicated on the Notice of Award. Any exceptions will be posted at the site listed under "Additional Information" below. Subsequent budget periods are funded based on the availability of appropriations, satisfactory performance, compliance with the terms and conditions of the award, and the continued best interest of the Federal government .The NIH awarding Institutes/Centers (IC) will develop and post their fiscal policies consistent with overall NIH goals and available FY 2020 funds.

Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Awards (NRSA): Consistent with the recommendations of the Advisory Committee to the Director regarding the Biomedical Research Workforce, the NIH will increase NRSA stipends by approximately 2 percent for predocs and 4-5 percent on average for postdocs. The full range of stipend adjustments for FY 2020 will be published in a separate notice that will be released soon.

Next Generation Researchers Initiative Policy: NIH will prioritize meritorious R01- equivalent applications from (Early Stage Investigator) ESI PD/PIs. By providing funding priority for ESIs, NIH intends to encourage funding applications that involve researchers earlier in their career in accordance with the policy established in FY 2017 and described at https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/notice-files/NOT-OD-17-101.html


Salary Limits: Section 202 of The Further Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2020 prohibits payments for salaries under grants and other extramural mechanisms in excess of Executive Level II currently set at $197,300.

Other Legislative Mandates: Other statutory requirements are described in NOT-OD-20-066

Please click on link for full notice. 



Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Stipends, Tuition/Fees and Other Budgetary Levels Effective for Fiscal Year 2020

Notice Number: NOT-OD-20-070



This Notice establishes stipend levels for fiscal year (FY) 2020 Kirschstein-NRSA awards for undergraduate, predoctoral, and postdoctoral trainees and fellows, as shown in the tables below.  In addition, the Training Related Expenses and the Institutional Allowance for postdoctoral trainees and fellows have been increased.  The Training Related Expenses and Institutional Allowances for predoctoral trainees and fellows and the Tuition and Fees for all educational levels remain unchanged.  This Notice reflects the Further Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2020 (H.R. 1865), signed into law on December 20, 2019.



Effective with all Kirschstein-NRSA awards made on or after October 1, 2019, the following annual stipend levels apply to all individuals receiving support through institutional research training grants or individual fellowships, including the Maximizing Access to Research Careers (MARC) and Building Infrastructure Leading to Diversity (BUILD) programs.


Undergraduates:  For institutional training grants supporting undergraduate trainees (T34, TL4), appointments for undergraduate candidates will continue to be made by distinct category (i.e., Freshmen/Sophomores and Juniors/Seniors), but the stipend levels for the categories will be the same: 

Career Level

Stipend for FY 2020

Monthly Stipend








Predoctoral Trainees and Fellows:  For institutional training grants (T32, T35, T90, TL1) and individual fellowships (F30, F31), one stipend level is used for all predoctoral candidates, regardless of the level of experience.

Career Level

Years of Experience

Stipend for FY 2020

Monthly Stipend






Postdoctoral Trainees and Fellows:  For institutional training grants, (T32, T90, TL1) and individual fellowships (F32), the stipend level for the entire first year of support is determined by the number of full years of relevant postdoctoral experience when the award is issued. Relevant experience may include research experience (including industrial), teaching assistantship, internship, residency, clinical duties, or other time spent in a health-related field beyond that of the qualifying doctoral degree.  Once the appropriate stipend level has been determined, the trainee or fellow must be paid at that level for the entire grant year.  The stipend for each additional year of Kirschstein-NRSA support is the next level in the stipend structure and does not change mid-year.

Career Level

Years of Experience

Stipend for FY 2020

Monthly Stipend






























7 or More




Senior Fellows (F33 only):  The stipend level must be commensurate with the base salary or remuneration that would have been paid by the institution with which the individual is permanently affiliated when the award is issued, but cannot exceed the current Kirschstein-NRSA stipend limit set by the NIH for those with 7 or more years of experience.  The level of Kirschstein-NRSA support will take into account concurrent salary support provided by the institution and the policy of the sponsoring institution.  NIH support does not provide fringe benefits for senior fellows.


For full details on the FY 2020 Kirschstein-NRSA update(s), please refer to https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/notice-files/NOT-OD-20-070.html


Should you have any questions, please contact the Office of Sponsored Programs.


Posted: February 11, 2020, 12:07 PM