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Over the past few months we have experienced some challenges with UMBC student led start-ups submitting proposals to sponsors who require UMBC institutional approval.  The Office of Sponsored Programs is the only office on campus with the authority to approve sponsored proposals for UMBC. 

While many sponsors from which our startups seek funding do not require UMBC to approve, when a sponsor does, we remind our students to reach out to their faculty advisors early in the process to allow sufficient time to have the appropriate and required institutional review.  The Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) is very supportive of our student entrepreneurs, however, we are not able to institutionally approve proposals which have not been appropriately reviewed and approved.  

One example is a sponsor called VentureWell.  VentureWell has multiple funding opportunities which require a UMBC faculty PI, Department Chair, as well as institutional/OSP approval.  Below is a quote from one of their funding application guidelines: 

“Applicants will need to confirm multiple items with your institution PRIOR​ to applying. We recommend you begin these steps up to eight weeks​ before the application deadline and no later than two weeks before the deadline. The most common mistake applicants make is underestimating the time it takes to navigate their institution’s administrative structure—make sure you give yourself plenty of time to compile the required materials.”

This message simply serves to iterate that if a student wishes to apply to such an opportunity, the student MUST follow the UMBC proposal submission policies and procedures. This includes following the standard proposal routing procedures and providing any and all relevant information, documentation, and signature approvals associated with the routing process.  Furthermore, the student is also responsible for satisfying any additional provisions that his/her particular Department/College might require. The student who wishes to apply should readily work with their Department Chairs, Associate Deans for Research, and/or Advisors to properly prepare for success in both the proposal submission and award process.

We wish all of our student entrepreneurs the greatest success.  If you are having trouble identifying the appropriate department or unit to assist you with your application, please feel free to reach out to the Office of Sponsored Programs.

Posted: February 18, 2020, 9:39 AM