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Use of video conferencing platforms for interviews

What to use in place of face to face interviews - COVID-19

Our office has received several information requests about using virtual/online formats to take the place of previously planned (and IRB approved) in-person interviews conducted outside of campus. Use of such formats may be useful to PIs to conduct human subjects use research during the COVID-19 event.

We checked with Mark Cather of UMBC Department of Information Technology(DoIT).  He recommended an online conferencing tool that would provide security and confidentiality which would meet the IRB's requirements for maintaining privacy and ensuring confidentiality. Remember, these are requirements stated in an approved IRB protocol.

The only solution DoIT supports for UMBC investigators is WebEx.  DoIT has certified it up to level 3 (see the IRBs guidance on security requirements), which means it is good with all data types (including HIPAA).  DoIT has several FAQs and instruction guides posted to assist investigators if there are plans to add to a protocol.

Speaking of which, if an investigator plans to add Webex use to an existing protocol, please be sure to forward a protocol modification and have it approved before using.

If you have any questions, please contact us at compliance@umbc.edu

Posted: March 11, 2020, 1:04 PM