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Foreign Nationals Who Can Participate in DOE Research

Dear Investigators

In February 2017, the ORPC forwarded information from the Department of Energy regarding the exemption (DOE Order 142.3A) from the Foreign Nationals prior approval for universities for such persons in UMBC awarded fundamental research projects. As a reminder, this exemption allows for persons who are not U.S. citizens to participate in fundamental research sponsored by one of the below DOE programs  or national laboratories. 

This past month, the Council on Governmental Relations provided an update to member institutions that the DOE removed this exemption. This removal would potentially impact the willingness of some institutions to continue to perform DOE-funded research. COGR is in conversations with management from the DOE and will provide updates when available

As investigators work with the Office of Sponsored Programs in the development and routing of DOE agreements, please keep in mind proposed funding agreements with these programs or national labs using identified foreign nationals may be limited.  The ORPC will continue to monitor this information and update the campus as information becomes available.


Foreign nationals who participate in DOE research – originally February 3, 2017

Investigators planning or currently performing Department of Energy (DOE) work, please read the below:

The Department of Energy (DOE) has issued an amendment to the DOE Order 142.3a, which provides for an exemption from the Foreign Nationals prior approval requirements for universities conducting fundamental research. 


"Portions of this Order relating to approval for foreign national access to DOE information do not apply to research conducted under grants and funding opportunities sponsored by the program offices that report to the Under Secretary for Science and Energy, performed at institutions of higher education, and for which results will be published for access by the general public. Performance of this research is not considered access to DOE sites, information, technologies, equipment, programs, or personnel for purposes of this Order. The work products of this research are not considered DOE information during the performance of the research and after completion of the research. However, the Order does apply to visits by any foreign nationals to DOE sites and any access to DOE information, equipment or personnel not exempted in this paragraph."

This exemption allows for persons who are not U.S. citizens to participate in fundamental research sponsored by one of the below DOE programs or with the below national laboratories. 

As investigators work with the Office of Sponsored Programs in the development and routing of DOE agreements, please be aware this amendment will be useful in the performance of fundamental research.

 Under Secretary of Science and Energy Programs


*         Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability

*         Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy

*         Fossil Energy

*         Indian Energy Policy and Programs

*         Nuclear Energy

*         Science

*         Technology Transitions

 DOE offices and national laboratories 


*         Ames Laboratory (AMES)

*         Argonne National Laboratory (ANL)

*         Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL)

*         Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (FNL)

*         Idaho National Laboratory (INL)


*         National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)

*         National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)

*         Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)

*         Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)

*         Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL)

*         SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (SLAC)

*         Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (TJNAF)

Posted: June 1, 2020, 12:45 PM