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Updates to IRB consent templates

Using feedback from investigators and IRB reviewers, the ORPC has updated wording to various sections of consent document templates. These updates were made to :

Purpose : informing participants the study purpose will include easy to understand language
Procedures: provides updated details on how and when study participation will continue and updated wording on the participant's acknowledgement  for audio/video recording
Voluntary Participation - updated for participant's information of the length of time study data is retained
Confidentiality:  adds information on when data is stored on a secure server
Contacts and Questions: clarified for participants who has responsibility for discussing and obtaining consent  

The updated forms have been uploaded to the ORPC Forms and Documents page as well as the various web pages relevant to each document's use. We anticipate these updates will be used with Kuali IRB once that goes live this summer. 

If you have any questions, please contact us at compliance@umbc.edu.  

Posted: June 24, 2020, 11:06 AM