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Unfunded Agreements Now in Kuali!

The Office of Sponsored Programs is  pleased to report that Unfunded Agreements (Data Use Agreements, Teaming Agreements, and Cooperative Research and Development Agreements) are now being routed through Kuali Research.  If your unit has one of these types of Agreements, they are now to be routed through Kuali.  Please go to the following link for the Training Guide and instructions on Unfunded Agreements as well as  a separate and distinct Training Guide for Data Use Agreements:


Do note that at this time (Summer 2020), Material Transfer Agreements and Non-Disclosure Agreements are not yet operational in Kuali and will not be routed in Kuali at this juncture.   Please see the following link for instructions and forms for MTAs and NDAs :


Should you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to contract your OSP Manager and Specialist.


Posted: July 14, 2020, 8:16 AM