Fall 2020 Effort Certification is DUE March 30, 2021
Time to certify effort!
To the UMBC Grant Community,
This is a reminder that Effort Reports for Fall 2020 are available and ready for certification. The Fall 2020 period includes Payroll 2021001 through Payroll 202014 (from June 21, 2020 through January 2, 2021). Certifications are due March 30, 2021.
Please remember that Effort Reports are both a Compliance Tool and a Grants Management Tool. After reviewing payroll charges, work with your business managers if any changes are needed. Payroll cost transfers (retros) must be processed prior to certification of Effort Reports.
To find out whether you have open effort reports (see page 6,
Year: 2020 Period: Fall) and to learn how to certify them, see the updated
Effort Report Quick Reference Guide revised October 2020 with screenshots for your convenience. This guide provides
detailed instructions on how to access and certify the Effort Reports.
*New* Within the updated Effort Report Quick Reference Guide, starting on page 12, are details showing the bottom non-sponsored section as auto updating the effort %. This section is now read-only and will not need to be filled out by the PI/Certifier.
Your timely commitment to this process is appreciated.
Posted: January 14, 2021, 10:25 AM