William T. Grant Scholars Program
Internal application material due April 1, 2021
The CAHSS Dean's Office has announced an opportunity to nominate up to one early-career faculty member for the William T. Grant Scholars Program, which supports career development for promising early-career researchers.
Please see the attached PDF for guidelines and further information. Prospective nominees must email a set of specified materials to Preminda Jacob, Associate Dean for Research and Community Engagement (pjacob2@umbc.edu) by 11:59pm on April 1, 2021. A selection committee will then review all internal submissions, and the UMBC nominee will be notified within two weeks.
The selected nominee will then submit a complete proposal to the William T. Grant Foundation by July 7, 2021, with mentor and reference letters due in advance, by June 16, 2021.
Posted: March 3, 2021, 9:39 AM