
Revisions to the Common Rule - III

The January 21 2019 compliance date is fast approaching!

As the ORPC prepares for the January 21, 2019 compliance date of the revised Common Rule, all current IRB documents will be taken off line 3:00 pm EST on January 18, 2019. Revised forms and...

Posted: January 14, 2019, 11:14 AM

Kuali Spring 2019 Training Courses Now Available

Need Kuali Training or a Refresher?

Yes! The Spring 2019 Semester is here! Need Kuali Training?   Here is the listing of our Fall Kuali Trainings for your information.  Tuesday January 29, 2019 9 AM:    All About...

Posted: January 11, 2019, 5:00 PM

Of Note: Social Science Faculty, Students, and Alumni

Congratulations to the following faculty, students, and alumni for their recent accomplishments!  Matt Baker, Geography and Environmental Systems, discusses the flooding in Ellicott City and...

Posted: January 11, 2019, 2:10 PM

Revisions to the Common Rule - II

The January 21 2019 compliance date is fast approaching!

Here's information we've gleaned so far from guidance from the Office of Human Research Protections: 1) all non-exempt (expedited) protocols approved by the IRB before 1/21/19 will continue to...

Posted: January 10, 2019, 9:16 PM

The threat of China’s "Thousand Talents Program"

Specifically with research involving export control concerns

We've posted the FBI’s analysis of how this program poses a serious threat science and technology programs in US businesses and universities through economic espionage and theft of IP. One of the...

Posted: January 9, 2019, 2:09 PM