
From UMBC News and Magazine

Donald Norris, Public Policy, in AP Story

The GOP presidential primary is drawing more attention in Maryland than usual, AP reports, given the protracted fight for the nomination among the top candidates. Anticipating a low primary...

Posted: March 26, 2012, 6:54 PM

Linda Dusman, Music, Profiled on NewMusicBox

Linda Dusman, professor of music, was profiled on the contemporary music website NewMusicBox in a feature by Molly Sheridan, “Linda Dusman—Leading a Creative Life.” The video accompanying the text...

Posted: March 22, 2012, 1:23 PM

Thomas Schaller, Political Science, in the Baltimore Sun

The latest Baltimore Sun column by UMBC political science professor Thomas Schaller delves into the Democratic primary election in Maryland’s Sixth Congressional District, a seat held by longtime...

Posted: March 21, 2012, 5:44 PM